Chile Pepper Flake FAQ

Why does my chile pepper flake appear to be clumped up?

Because we do not use fillers and additives the chile pepper flake may be susceptible to clumping. This is especially true for red chiles and anything in the Mediterranean Collection as they contain higher amounts of the natural rich oils. If you experience clumping then vigorously shake the bottle or gently tap the bottle on a hard surface until the flakes have separated. If no amount of effort breaks up the clumping then moisture may have penetrated your bottle and it is recommended that you do NOT consume the flake.

Why is my chile flake bottle not filled to the top?

All of our chile pepper flakes are sold by weight and not by volume. Your bottle should contain as much as, or more than, as what is indicated on the bottles label (Net Weight). Often times it minimizes packaging expenses to use a single bottle size rather than keeping multiple sizes on hand.

Do you have a question that needs an answer? Feel free to Contact Us and we'd be delighted to help.