Peter Pepper

The Peter Pepper might be the only chile pepper that is NSFW (not safe for work). It gets its name, from you know, its geometry. It looks incredibly similar to a penis. Once you've stopped acting like a juvenile you will appreciate its heat packing in at 10,000 to 25,000 SHU. You can eat them.. eh hem.. I mean.. consume them, green or red. They don't have a particularly unique flavor and could be mistaken for a jalapeño or a serrano.

Buy Peter Pepper seeds..

30 seeds for $3.99


Some Peter Pepper facts..
  • Origin:  Alleged to have originated in the United States
  • Species: Capsicum annuum
  • Scoville heat units:  10,000 to 25,000 SHU
  • Heat relative to a Jalapeño:  equal to and up to 10 times hotter
  • Primary use:  Bachelorette parties? Cooking.. perhaps a heat replacement for other chilies